Posts tagged haeven gibbons
Train Ride to Nowhere: Facing Homelessness in NYC After Aging Out of the Foster Care System

For five hours the lull of the subway cart rocked his tired soul to sleep.

He rode the line front to back before getting off at 42 St-Bryant Park Station. The cold park bench was the closest thing he could find to a bed and his coat became the only barrier between his body and the biting winter wind.

With no money and an incomplete college education, Smith spent eight months on New York City streets during the height of the pandemic.

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New York City Remembers 9/11 on the 20th Anniversary

The events of that day changed the lives of Americans forever. Wars began in Afghanistan and Iraq, a domestic war on terrorism commenced and the United States was forced to rewrite security and surveillance rules. Two decades later, America focuses on healing, remembering and educating younger generations about the events of that day and the repercussions of the attacks.

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