Posts tagged wendellberry
"Letters From the Exiles": The Final Letter

It has been too long. I miss you all, and I cannot wait to see you shortly. If you had told me in early March that we would all have been unceremoniously sent away for the remainder of the semester, I would not have believed you. I know this because I remember standing in Greg’s the week before talking with a friend about how the hype around COVID-19 was overblown. I also remember when the rumors of quarantine started, how a group of friends discussed spending the quarantine together in my apartment because we expected it to last two weeks. All this naïveté seems quaint now but, throughout the summer, I have been repeatedly reminded how much this virus has laid bare much of the foolhardiness of our contemporary life. We have built walls of scientific hubris that often felt like they offered the flimsy protection of wet cardboard as opinion and consensus changed at what seemed like a weekly pace. It became obvious early on that we knew very little and were constantly behind the curve of learning.

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